by fanscapingtastic | Nov 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
Picture this: you have an evergreen field of crisp blades of grass in your backyard, and you never have to mow it. You don’t have to bother with the gallons of water natural grass demands for up-keep. That image sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? That’s...
by fanscapingtastic | Nov 7, 2020 | Landscaping
We have a secret. A secret that will transform your lawn forever. “The perfect grass doesn’t exist,” we thought. We were naive. We finally discovered a grass that all gardeners hail as the king of greenery. It’s so magnificent that it even received a knighthood...
by fanscapingtastic | Nov 6, 2020 | Garden Design
Lawns and turfs need a lot of maintenance and care. So imagine if we told you about a type of grass so luscious and easy to maintain, you wouldn’t believe us. That’s right. We’re talking about the ultimate Buffalo grass: Palmetto grass. Palmetto grass is...